Event Registration
Hunter Safety Education Field Day Registration
Join us for a practical evaluation required for youth following the completion of the online course. The field day includes a review of course topics, Oregon hunting regulations, ethics, conservation, firearm safety field exercises, a live-fire exercise and a multiple-choice written exam. To earn certification, students must demonstrate proficiency in skill, attitude, and knowledge across all components. Upon completion, a temporary orange hunter safety card will be issued to use in the field while hunting and hard card certifications will be mailed within 60 days.
This course will provide hands-on experience and reinforcement of key concepts, including:
- Understanding the 5 different firearm actions
- Proper loading and unloading techniques, including ammunition selection
- Practicing safe muzzle control and keeping fingers off the trigger
- Managing the safety mechanism on firearms throughout the session
- Adhering to the 4 main safety rules: MTAT (Muzzle Control, Trigger, Action, Target)
- Trail walk identifying multiple species with ethical scenarios and safe practices
Event Information
Class starts at 10 am at Virtue Flat Range located on Highway 86 about 1 mile past Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. Dress for the weather as if you are hunting. Upon completion of live fire, class will return to club house for final testing. Students must have own transportation between range and club house. *In the event of inclement weather, field day may move to indoor facility. Please submit phone number in your profile in case instructor needs to contact you for changes.
Instructions for Parents and Guardians of Minors
- Please update ODFW Youth Accounts with correct full student name, current contact e-mail and mailing address prior to registration. A detailed email reminder will be sent prior to class start date. The minor's parent or legal guardian must complete and sign the required Use of Firearms and Participant application release forms and bring them to class check-in. Please do not bring personal firearms or ammunition the Hunter Education class; ODFW will provide all equipment for this field day.
To sign your child up for this event:
- Click the profile dropdown at the top of your screen.
- Click 'View This Page As ..."
- Select the name of the managed relationship account you would like to sign up.
- Register for the class!
Note: If you do NOT see the 'View This Page As ..." button, you have not set up a managed relationship account for your child yet! From the profile dropdown, click 'Managed Relationships' and then 'Create' to build your youth's linked (managed) account.
Contact (855) 686-1055 or odfw-help@payitgov.com for assistance with creating your child's managed relationship account.
What To Bring
- Your online course completion certificate (an image of your course completion certificate is acceptable)
- Dress for Oregon weather as if you are going hunting, closed toed shoes
- Bring your own snacks, lunch, and bottled water
- Personal safety ear and/or eye protection - Optional (ODFW will provide ear and eye protection)
- DO NOT BRING FIREARMS OR AMMUNITION - All equipment for the field day will be provided by ODFW
- NOTE: Once you are registered on the Attendee roster for this event, check back to see any Release forms that are listed under an 'Attachments' section at the bottom of the page. While ODFW does provide paper release forms, it will save you time on event day if you print them and bring in signed copies.

Event Sessions
- • Hunter Safety Education
Event Requirements
- Certificate of completion from an approved online Hunter Safety Education course (NRA, Kalkomey)
- Once registered on the Attendee Roster, you should gain visibility to any associated Release Forms necessary for participation. All attendees are required to sign these forms and bring them to the event.
- • Min Age: 9
- • Max Age: 99
Registration Requirements
- • Firearm & Release Forms